Monday, January 18, 2010

Rechargeable Wireless Keyboard And Mouse Is There Such A Thing As A Wireless Mouse/pointer?

Is there such a thing as a wireless mouse/pointer? - rechargeable wireless keyboard and mouse

Perhaps my question is poorly formulated, let me back a little. If I close my computer to my HDTV so you can display on your TV screen. I know my TV has the plug-ins and all other good things. I wonder what is, there is a pointer in the wireless network that works like a mouse? I mean, I do not want a wireless mouse because it for a surface, a device that only works as a laser pointer, but controls the mouse?

PS There is also a wireless keyboard rechargeable?


redsoxer said...

There are many indications mouse combination. To do both Logitech and Microsoft.

nathajdu... said...

Doubt, please seek advice from Logitech

gurmeet s said...

Yes .. This function pointer and wireless mouse ...

patyy p said...

Just go to ...

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