My 7 month old Lab/Golden Retriever puppy has bald patches - could it be mange or allergies? - missing patches on body
My dog will soon have in your body. It started about a month ago when I brought him to the vet for a swollen eye and I noticed a small (less than one cent) patches of skin missing his right front leg. There were two small scabs again. I took him to the vet and she said that nothing can be something, and this has caused swelling around the eyes. Now the patch is now much larger - about the size of two rooms side by side. I have noticed in recent weeks or so now has many small dots that are missing in other parts of the body. His knees slightly between bones and tendons of the back leg, elbow, and another point closer to the original. Today, I noticed the lack of a large patch of hair on his back near his left shoOlder leaf. Not bald, but even more weight loss at this point. I bought the medicated shampoo to try to, but I fear it will worsen. Ideas?
It could be allergies. Dogs can be allergic to certain foods, or at home, and some seasonal things, like the people. Try Benadryl 25 mg once a day for the itching and see whether it helps. Mange usually appears on the face, like around the eyes, stomach, places that. There are two types of mange (scabies) and Demodex. Sarcoptic they get other dogs demodex is genetic. Even if the tip of the ear and rub with the inside of the ear, and it starts at zero, you probably scabies. I know it sounds strange, but it is a proven technology practitioners use to diagnose scabies too. It could also be a scratch on the skin will look like under a microscope and looked for eggs of mites. In any case, a visit to the vet is more secure.
Sounds like allergies, but may also itch. What will you give him? He must get a high quality simple carbohydrates / Protien elimination diet. You have to scratch the vet for a skin to relieve the itching.
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