I joined a sorority and now I think I want to get out, but I'm not totally sure. What do I do? - sorority initiation rules
I do not know the girls in the school I go and I never had close friends in school, so I thought that maybe a guild is a good way, would make new friends for life. When I was not the attitude to know if he really wanted to connect securely, but when I entered the room of the fraternity I joined, I was sure I had found my niche. It turns out that after all the splendor of the setting that has attracted me to the Brotherhood has been replaced by these rules and obligations. I'm afraid that was every game and every function, and I went to my friend this weekend, the worst thing I ever to sit through. I have no connection with one of the girls and now it seems everyone has theirClicks, but I'm a loner. This is not what I wanted. Should I wait and see if it will get better, or should I leave before taking off to?
1 comment:
Membership in a sorority does not give you instant friends. We have the bonds of friendship with the sisters of the fraternity, as you would any other person.
If you show of everything that has to do to be afraid, and his attitude, it becomes difficult to make friends.
Every club and the group will have some sort of obligation, even if it only shows the meetings.
Like many of the tasks and duties will disappear once you have started?
They hate the things that have to do like a sister?
Formula is not my cup of tea, I would like to dress up. But there is a chance a lot of people, I'm spending a friend. Most attend one semester. Did you suck because didn'thAVE dating anyone?
As a promise is temporary, and if you tend to start there is a dramatic decrease compared to the amount of things not yet done. But you really want to make it go to friends to hang with your sisters. A lot of time binding occurs outside the fraternity events before and after lunch with a nurse goes to the movies, shopping, you get the idea.
The only advantage to go before the opening that you probably want to join another guild.
If one of you can try to find more friends and to make your experience worthwhile.
As someone who does not know whether I wanted to go to the opening (which) has been almost exclusively male friends from the guild, I think,E to you:
Talk to his mother and his older sister and tell them that does not feel the obligation to too close. There are always one or two girls who do not bind with the rest of his class, and the sooner you know, it is easier to correct. Make yourself the trouble to make friends, you call that which is closest to hang out and ask. Perspective plan on the first and late into the night. Performance and time with the sisters, when you see them everywhere on campus to welcome and chat if you have time. Note that you have chosen this chapter for a reason and they chose you, too.
If still does not make at the end, friends, and hates everything you need to do as a nurse, then let go. Sororities are not for everyone.
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